Wednesday, July 1, 2009


i still havnt worked out how to acsess the blog page ...if you are not me
I had a meeting at our patchwork group today the Ciar quilters, we meet in tralee twice a month.
i managed to finish the binding on two quilts. Rita had forgotton her sewing so she finished my ragedy edge, while I finished the celtic quilt.
Jan is still hexagon mad, Breada sewing strips for a hand project tto carry on holiday, Sheila and Mary were tacking a quilt and Eily was hand quilting.
By the time I had gathered and collected the boys, shopped, cooked, cleaned , taxied, bathed babies, my good intentions of sewing went out of the window... mmmmm do you know that feeling. well tomorow is another day..godnight,

1 comment:

  1. Hello

    Find ur life absolutley fascinating
    How do you do it?
